Deutsche Boerse Will Include In SDAX OVB Holding And Tipp24

On Thursday, Deutsche Brse has decided on changes in its equity index SDAX that will take effect on 22 June 2009. The share of OVB Holding will replace the share of Escada in SDAX. At the same time Tipp24 will

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On Thursday, Deutsche Brse has decided on changes in its equity index SDAX that will take effect on 22 June 2009.

The share of OVB Holding will replace the share of Escada in SDAX. At the same time Tipp24 will be included in SDAX, the share of Vivacon leaves the index.

The exclusion of Escada and Vivacon was based on the regular exit rule, the shares do no longer fulfill the market capitalization requirements of the SDAX index.

The next equity index review is scheduled for 3 September 2009.

