Deutsche Boerse Applies New Index For Companies In Equity Indices

Effective 23 March 2009, new index weights will apply for companies in equity indices of Deutsche Brse. Deutsche Brse released the preliminary weighting figures on Wednesday. An update of the preliminary weighting will be published on Friday. The preliminary data

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Effective 23 March 2009, new index weights will apply for companies in equity indices of Deutsche Brse. Deutsche Brse released the preliminary weighting figures on Wednesday. An update of the preliminary weighting will be published on Friday. The preliminary data can be downloaded from the Deutsche Brse website. The final figures based on Friday’s Xetra closing

prices will be published on the Deutsche Brse website on Saturday.

The shares of Fresenius Pref and Hannover Rckversicherung will be included in DAX and will replace Infineon and Deutsche Postbank. The exclusion of Infineon and Deutsche Postbank was based on the fast-exit rule, the shares do no longer fulfill the market capitalization requirements of the DAX index.

The share of Deutsche Postbank will replace the share of Fresenius Pref in MDAX. At the same time Rational will be included in MDAX replacing the share of Hannover Rckversicherung. ElringKlinger will be included in MDAX, Aareal Bank leaves the index.

The share of Aareal Bank will replace the share of Rational in SDAX. CeWe Color will be included in SDAX, whereas ElringKlinger will leave the index.

Infineon will be included in TecDAX. Manz Automation will leave the index.

The next equity index review is scheduled for 4 June 2009.

