Deutsche Boerse has partnered with REGIS-TR to help market participants report on- and off-exchange transactions, set out under the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II).
Starting immediately, Deutsche Boerse will offer a MiFID II Transaction Reporting Service, with REGIS-TR acting as the authorised reporting mechanism (ARM).
The Frankfurt-based group will also offer a MiFID II OTC Trade Reporting Service.
MiFID II will have a significant impact on all European financial markets along the entire process chain, covering additional instrument classes such as ETFs, certificates, bonds, structured financial products and derivatives.
“Deutsche Börse has already been offering reporting solutions for many years, including for EMIR and MiFID I. With our MiFID II services, we will now also support market participants in meeting challenges posed by the new regulation, from one source,” says Hauke Stars, member of the Deutsche Börse executive board responsible for IT & Market Data + Services.
Deutsche Boerse and REGIS-TR Launch MiFID II Reporting Tool
Deutsche Boerse has partnered with REGIS-TR to help market participants report on- and off-exchange transactions, set out under the revised Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II).