Deutsche Brse adjusts its guidelines to the dividend index DivDAX: In addition to the annual review in September, a fast-exit-criterion will be introduced.
According to this criterion, companies will be excluded from DivDAX once they have announced that they will not pay dividends in the ongoing year. In this case, the respective company will be replaced on the following chaining date.
This adjustment to the rules strengthens the position of DivDAX as an index for companies with high dividend yields. The adjustment will be effective as from the next chaining date in March. The dividend index DivDAX comprises the 15 DAX companies with the highest dividend yields. The latter is calculated by dividing the dividend paid by the last price of the share on the trading day previous to the payout. Simultaneously to the composition of the DAX index, the members of the DivDAX are determined on an annual basis. The index provides investors with an objective and transparent benchmark for the price development of companies withhigh dividend yields.