Rule Financial, a London-based business and IT consultancy to the wholesale banking industry, has appointed Des Stockdale and Justin Richards as, respectively, Head of the Summit business practice and Programme Manager.
Des Stockdale brings to Rule Financial almost a decade’s experience in the Summit sales and marketing arena. As founder of Cititec Associates Limited, a UK consultancy that specialised in the Summit product set, Stockdale built up a wealth of experience servicing Summit clients around the world.
Justin Richards joins Rule Financial with experience of working with Cap-Gemini, Andersen Consulting and AMS. Previously, Richards was a Vice President with AMS’s risk practice, specialising in the delivery of complex global risk systems.
With the recent investment Summit has made in its product sets, in particular around the credit derivatives module, Real Time distribution server, the FT/MUST module and the STP module, Rule Financial recognises the business potential of its Summit consulting and support services.