Death Of Defined Benefit Pension Plans Will Transform Fund Management In The US

In the blink of an eye, the freezing of defined benefit plans has moved from theory to practice America's corporations are finalizing the transfer of retirement risk from their own balance sheets to their workers. It is an evolution that

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In the blink of an eye, the freezing of defined benefit plans has moved from theory to practice: America’s corporations are finalizing the transfer of retirement risk from their own balance sheets to their workers. It is an evolution that will affect markedly how and when Americans retire. It also will transform investment management as we know it today. A new awareness of downside risk is reshaping the institutional landscape, and the shape of the solutions that defined benefit plan sponsors latch onto-whether they be hedge funds or private equity twinned with beta managers; hybrids like portable alpha overlaying long-duration bond portfolios; ersatz immunization; or the kryptonite solution, annuitization -is emerging now. MORE
