DataLend has released its Client Performance Reporting service, which enables agent lenders and beneficial owners to benchmark their securities lending performance.
The reports are available to agent lenders, through which beneficial owners can request the information.
“Everybody needs a tool to do an analysis,” says Ben Gilcher, chief information officer and head of DataLend. “Beneficial owners don’t have access to the broader industry; these tools do provide a broader perspective to the industry.”
The service allows users to produce customizable reports on overall firm, beneficial owner organization and legal entity-level performance metrics over time. Users can also filter comparisons in a variety of measures, such as collateral types allowed, fiscal location, fund size, and fund type.
“Peer group analysis and performance analysis is key to understanding information so that beneficial owners know they are getting the bang for their buck,” says Gilcher.
DataLend Launches Securities Lending Benchmarking Tool
DataLend has released its Client Performance Reporting service, which enables agent lenders and beneficial owners to benchmark their securities lending performance.