The CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index is up 1.63% for September 2005, according to Oliver Schupp, president of Credit Suisse First Boston Tremont Index LLC and senior member of the CSFB Hedge Fund Investments Group.
“Hedge Funds in general had another strong month. Emerging Markets managers (up 4.12%) and Long/Short Equity managers (up 2.02%) performed well, on the back of rallying global equity markets” said Schupp. “Event Driven Managers being mainly involved in the equity side posted strong returns in September. Globally new mergers were announced worth USD 239 bln. creating opportunities for the managers to generate profits.”
“Global Macro Managers profited from tremendous opportunities in the marketplace which other sectors did not effectively take advantage of”, said Robert I. Schulman, chief executive officer of Tremont Capital Management, Inc. “The rebound in convertibles continued based on increasing demand and new issuances of convertible bonds. The Convertible Arbitrage Sector ended up 1.10% in September.”
The CSFB/Tremont Hedge Fund Index value is 333.10 returning 233.10% for the 141-month period since inception (January 1, 1994 through September 30, 2005).