Credit Suisse Together With Paladyne Offer Comprehensive Multi-Prime Technology Application To Hedge Funds

Credit Suisse and Paladyne Systems, Inc. launches an enhanced suite of Paladyne products available as part of Credit Suisse's Advanced Prime™ application launched in 2006. Paladyne's multi prime, front to back office technology platform has recently been integrated with Bloomberg's

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Credit Suisse and Paladyne Systems, Inc. launches an enhanced suite of Paladyne products available as part of Credit Suisse’s Advanced Prime™ application launched in 2006. Paladyne’s multi-prime, front-to-back-office technology platform has recently been integrated with Bloomberg’s suite of data products and is now available as a combined solution for Credit Suisse’s Prime Services clients. The combination of Credit Suisse, Paladyne and Bloomberg is a highly cost-effective, multi-prime technology solution, unique to the hedge fund marketplace.

Credit Suisse Prime Services clients who require multiple prime brokerage relationships can leverage Paladyne’s extensive, low-cost, hosted technology platform, completely independent of Credit Suisse’s infrastructure. Paladyne’s hosted offering includes a multi-asset class order management system and real-time P&L monitor, custom reporting and data warehousing tool, global security master repository for terms and conditions and corporate action processing, and a pricing and valuation toolset, fueled by Bloomberg’s market-leading data and analytics.

“Now more than ever, our clients need comprehensive multi-prime technology solutions,” says Philip Vasan, managing director and head of prime services at Credit Suisse. “Combining Paladyne’s front-to-back-office technology platform with Bloomberg’s leading market data addresses many of the challenges our clients face to achieve significant operational efficiencies and lower operating costs.”

“Cost reduction is a primary concern of today’s fund managers and was a main driver in creating this combined software and data offering with Credit Suisse and Bloomberg,” says Sameer Shalaby, CEO of Paladyne Systems. “In addition, our turn-key solution provides fund managers with thorough infrastructure at far less cost.”

Credit Suisse and Paladyne are currently servicing a number of mutual clients with Paladyne’s product suite and Bloomberg’s data products. The detailed offering includes:

Paladyne Portfolio Master™, a multi asset class order management and real-time P&L and portfolio management tool, is integrated with Bloomberg’s real-time data products for pricing, modeling, OTC valuation and pre-trade compliance, and with Bloomberg’s EMS system for trade execution.

