Crédit Agricole Establishes Its First Money Market ETF

Crdit Agricole Structured Asset Management (CASAM) continues the development of its Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) range with the launch of CASAM ETF EONIA (Euro Over Night Index Average), the first money market ETF to be issued by CASAM. Listed on

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Crdit Agricole Structured Asset Management (CASAM) continues the development of its Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) range with the launch of CASAM ETF EONIA (Euro Over Night Index Average), the first money market ETF to be issued by CASAM.

Listed on Euronext, CASAM ETF EONIA combines the advantages of a money market fund with the liquidity of an equity. With 100% exposure to the Euro money market rate, it constitutes a transparent and efficient investment vehicle to help reduce the risk of capital loss. It is also a simple tool for placing cash over the medium-term and protecting a portfolio against fluctuations in fixed income and equity markets.

CASAM ETF EONIAs annual management fees is 0.14% maximum (including taxes). CASAM ETF EONIA replicates as closely as possible the performance of the EuroMTS Eonia Investable Index, net interest reinvested, in Euros*. The EONIA is the overnight reference rate applied to unsecured interbank lending in the Euro zone.

The launch of CASAM ETF EONIA marks a turning point in the development of the range which will now be diversified by introducing other asset classes says Valrie Baudson, managing director, CASAM ETF.

CASAM ETF EONIA offers investors a flexible and efficient product for accessing money markets and for managing asset allocation, says Scott Ebner, senior vice president, European Exchange Traded Products, NYSE Euronext.

