CMA To Launch Record $500 Million LSE Fund Of Funds

Capital Management Advisers plans to launch the largest fund of hedge funds ever seen on the London Stock Exchange
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Capital Management Advisers plans to launch the largest fund of hedge funds ever seen on the London Stock Exchange, the investment firm announced.

The fund, worth an estimated $500 million, will include the creation of a new investment company, CMA Global Hedge, and plans are underway to have the fund listed by the end of the year.

CMA says the fund’s goal is to raise net returns to investors to seven per cent by investing in a maximum of 50 individual hedge funds in what it describes as a diverse, low volatility portfolio, offering a number of investment strategies across different markets.

CMA’s new fund comes at a time when global equity markets are seeing an increase in volatility, but with additional large floatation expected from Goldman Sachs Asset Management and Dexion Absolute this year, it seems hedge funds are remaining optimistic.
