Clearstream Grows AuC By 6% YTD

Clearstream reported growth across all four of its business streams in March.
By Janet Du Chenne(59204)
Clearstream reported growth across all four of its business streams in March.

For the period year-to-date (YTD) March 2014, the combined value of assets under custody in the German domestic central securities depository (CSD) and the global international central securities depository (ICSD) business increased by 6% compared to the same period last year (YTD March 2014: 12.04; YTD March 2013: €11.41 trillion)

The company reported a 5% increase in the overall value of assets under custody held on behalf of customers to €12.1 trillion (compared to €11.5 trillion in March 2013).

For the period YTD March 2014, the number of settlement transactions (OTC and stock exchange combined) processed for the German domestic CSD and global ICSD business combined increased by 9% compared to the same period last year (YTD March 2014: 33.14 trillion; YTD March 2013: 30.30 million). The investment funds services business contributed to this growth in the ICSD business as its corresponding transactions registered a 16 percent increase.

For global securities financing (GSF) services, the monthly average outstanding in March 2014 reached €587 billion. The combined services, which include triparty repo, securities lending and collateral management, collectively experienced an increase of 2% over March 2013 (€576.2 billion).

The GSF monthly average outstanding has grown by 3% from the period YTD March 2013 (€562.8 billion) to the period YTD March 2014 (€580 billion).

Investment funds services (IFS) processed 0.74 million transactions in March 2014, a 15% increase over March 2013 (0.65 million).

IFS transactions have grown by 16% from 1.93 million processed in the period year-to-date March 2013 to 2.24 million in the period year-to-date March 2014.

Philippe Seyll, member of the Executive Board of Clearstream and head of investment funds services, says the 6% year-to-date increase in assets under custody figure includes asset wins in the ICSD investment fund services stream. “This is a very positive sign that Clearstream customers are satisfied with the suite of investment funds services we offer as part of the company’s overall value proposition,” he says.
