Two European central banks, Banque de France and Banco de España, have jointly selected Calypso as their core treasury and trading system in order to manage their FX activities, portfolio management, reserve management, collateral management, risk management and accounting.
Both Banque de France and Banco de España initiated the Market Activities Processing System (MAPS) project in 2013 to replace legacy systems, seeking a new solution that could enable greater coordination and efficiencies from the front to back office. Following a restricted tender process, the two central banks selected Calypso, with one of the reasons being Calypso’s ability to support capital markets operations of multiple central banks on one single platform, shared as a common system, while fulfilling data segregation requirements.
“We look forward to enabling Banque de France and Banco de España to achieve their business objectives and furthering Calypso’s position as a trusted partner to central banks and sovereign institutions around the globe. We expect that other central banks both within the Eurozone and worldwide will closely monitor this endeavor,” says Calypso chairman and CEO Charles Marston.
Central Banks of France and Spain Select Calypso Platform
Two European central banks, Banque de France and Banco de España, have jointly selected Calypso as their core treasury and trading system.