CACEIS to Provide Asset Services For Pioneer Investments Fund

Pioneer Investments has chosen CACEIS as its asset servicing provider the launch of its first French law fund, the Neuflize High Yield International 2018.
By Janet Du Chenne(59204)
Pioneer Investments has chosen CACEIS as its asset servicing provider the launch of its first French law fund, the Neuflize High Yield International 2018.

The fund is managed as part of an exclusive partnership with Banque Neuflize OBC. CACEIS already provides Pioneer Investments with a wide range of services: custody and depositary functions, fund administration and the production of financial and regulatory reports. It also manages the fund’s corporate governance and legal affairs.

Neuflize OBC Investissements has expanded its range of fixed-term bond funds, which previously only comprised funds invested in European securities, and has teamed up with Pioneer Investments, a specialist in US and emerging market high yield debt, to market an innovative fund, the Neuflize High Yield International 2018.

The Neuflize High Yield International 2018 is a feeder fund that is fully invested in a master fund managed by Pioneer Investments and made up of a selection of high yield and/or unrated (speculative) bonds with an average maturity of five years. Its objective is to offer a higher return than the French government bond maturing in April 2018. To achieve this objective, the master fund invests in US (75%) and emerging market (25%) corporate bonds, denominated in euro or foreign currencies (dollar or sterling).
