CACEIS Selected as Custodian and Depositary Bank for ESPERIDES SICAV

CACEIS has been selected as custodian, depositary bank and administrative agent by the board of directors of ESPERIDES, a Luxembourg-registered SICAV. CACEIS will also produce the investment schemes financial reporting.
By None

CACEIS has been selected as custodian, depositary bank and administrative agent by the board of directors of ESPERIDES, a Luxembourg-registered SICAV. CACEIS will also produce the investment schemes financial reporting.

ESPERIDES groups together the Belgian pension fund assets of GDF Suez Group and companies in the Belgian gas and electricity sector. The 2 billion in assets managed by the investment fund have been recently transferred to CACEIS.

The SICAV is managed by Contassur Assistance Conseil, a subsidiary of Contassur, the life insurance company dedicated to providing group insurance for the GDF Suez Group and companies in the Belgian gas and electricity sector.

CACEIS already provides safekeeping of Contassurs assets.

