Business cards have long been necessary in allowing others to quickly receive contact information from a business, and new technology released recently by may make that process even faster.’s new software is designed to automatically send a company’s business card information to a customer’s mobile phone as they enter its office. The customer may either accept or decline the card.
If accepted, the e-card is stored in the phone’s address book memory and contains all the information found on a paper business card, including a company’s logo.
The software is designed, says, to ensure contact details are accurate, and accessible.
Cards are sent and received for free via Bluetooth and the software is designed not to send to the same phone more than once.
“Every other aspect of business has been brought into the paperless digital age. Now does the same for business cards. It’s the perfect way to ensure your contact details are stored accurately in your customer’s phones address book, letting them contact you at the push of a button – and refer you to a friend or colleague just as easily. In effect, it’s a simple cost-effective tool that makes it easier for your customers to do business with you,” Gregor Isbister, founder.