BNY Mellon Presents CAPS Pooled Pension Funds Performance For February 2009

BNY Mellon Asset Servicing introduces CAPS pooled pension fund update in the UK for February 2009 Balanced pooled funds achieved a median return of 5.7% in February 2009 ( 6.0% in January 2009), Over one, three and five years to

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BNY Mellon Asset Servicing introduces CAPS pooled pension fund update in the UK for February 2009:

-Balanced pooled funds achieved a median return of -5.7% in February 2009 (-6.0% in January 2009),-Over one, three and five years to 28 February 2009, Balanced pooled funds returned -25.0%, -6.9% p.a. and 2.3% p.a. respectively,-Over 10 years to 28 February 2009 these funds have returned 0.9% p.a.,

-Active UK Equity managers returned -5.9%, net of fees, for the month. This was 0.6% ahead of the return of the FTSE All-Share index,-Net median performance against index performance for February 2009 is detailed below (there were not enough funds in the Pan European Equity sector to calculate a median).


-There were negative results across each of the major equity markets during February, continuing the negative performances in January,-Within equities the strongest performance came from UK Smaller Company Equities, which returned -3.1%,

-In comparison, the weakest equity performances came from Japanese and Europe ex UK Equities with returns of -12.3%, and -9.5% during February,-UK Bonds provided the strongest returns with 0.1% for Standard and 0.7% for Long Term,-Cash, 0.1%, provided the only other positive return for February 2009.

Balanced fund asset distributions:

-UK Equity weightings fell by 0.3% in February to 36.4% when compared to January,-Overseas Equities weightings also fell. The weighting decreased from 37.4% in January to 36.3% in February, a drop of 1.1%,

-A combination of positive relative performance and manager movements led to an increase of 0.4% in UK Government and 0.2% for UK Non-Government Bonds to 6.2% and 4.9% respectively,-Cash weightings also increased by 0.6% during February, which can be attributed to positive relative performance during this period,-Weightings remained fairly static for Index-Linked Gilts, Overseas Index Linked and Property.

