BNP Paribas Launches Intraday Liquidity Monitoring Tool

BNP Paribas Securities Services has launched a new reporting tool enabling intraday liquidity monitoring for investment banks.
By Janet Du Chenne(59204)
BNP Paribas Securities Services has launched a new reporting tool enabling intraday liquidity monitoring for investment banks.

The tool will allow them to optimize the use of their liquidity as well as prepare for continuing regulatory changes including EMIR and Dodd Frank, which affect OTC derivatives markets and point towards an increasing likelihood that clients will need to manage liquidity on an intraday basis.

The service allows BNP Paribas to deliver customized reports on cash account balances globally, using its existing ‘NeoLink’ web portal for clients. The first launch of the tool, to which several clients are already subscribed, sees reports on intra-day and end of day balances on multiple accounts delivered at predetermined times of day to specified recipients within the client organization.
