On September 5th BNA will launch its new Accounting Policy & Practice Series to the accounting, legal and financial professions. The new series will provide subscribers with a new dimension of objective and insightful guidance into decision-making in a post-Sarbanes- Oxley environment.
“A constant stream of standards and rules from the Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB), Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) and similar organizations makes it difficult for the accounting community to know its accounting options and the ramifications of choosing those options,” says Darren McKewen, Group Publisher for BNA Tax & Accounting. “With the new series, BNA will furnish an independent perspective that is unavailable elsewhere in the same depth, breadth, and quality.”
The Accounting Policy & Practice Series will offer its users insights and clarity on complex accounting rules, confidence in day-to-day reporting decisions, awareness of available financial options, methodologies for defending decisions to internal and external auditors, and expert perspectives on trends and issues. It will include three components, consisting primarily of an ongoing, continually expanding series of Portfolios, but will also include a bi-weekly topical publication together with “special reports” on a variety of different, but currently pertinent, accounting subjects.
The portfolios, which took five years of work, build on BNA’s long-standing reputation as “America’s Tax Authority.” The company’s portfolio analysis has detailed guidance on matters related to highly complex tax issues. This analytic approach will be transferred to this new accounting series.
“The Accounting Policy & Practice Series will be an unmatched asset to the financial accounting community because it does more than simply reiterate rules and standards,” says McKewen. “We provide detailed information and in- depth analysis, along with specific examples and accounting illustrations, that can be applied to decision-making.”
The portfolios will examine critical and timely accounting issues such as fundamental principles of revenue recognition, cash-flow statements, segment reporting, accounting for not-for-profit organizations, audit committee oversight effectiveness post Sarbanes-Oxley Act, preparing for and defending accounting liability litigation, and accounting for long-term contracts.