Bolsas y Mercados Espaoles (BME) has appointed Javier Alonso and Jos Antonio lvarez to the Board of Directors.
Alonso, the Managing Director of the Bank of Spain’s Markets and Settlement Systems division, will replace Javier Arztegui. lvarez, the Managing Director of Banco Santander’s Financial Management and Investor Relations division, will replace Francisco Gmez Roldn.
Alonso, is a Graduate in Mathematics from Universidad de Zaragoza and joined Banco de Espaa in 1977. He has also worked at the European Central Bank ‘s (ECB) Market Operations Committee since 1988 and at the Joint Market Operations and Settlement Systems Committee since 2001.
lvarez, is a Graduate in Economics and Business Administration and MBA from Chicago University. He is currently Managing Director of Banco Santander, in the Financial Management and Investor Relations division. He has previously worked for SCH, BBVA, Argentaria and Banco Hipotecario.