BI-SAM Releases B-One's 3.2 With Risk Attribution Methodology

BI SAM, a provider of performance attribution and reporting software solutions for the global asset management industry, announced the release of B Ones 3.2 version, a significant update to BI SAMs performance, risk and reporting platform. The B One solution,

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BI-SAM, a provider of performance attribution and reporting software solutions for the global asset management industry, announced the release of B-Ones 3.2 version, a significant update to BI-SAMs performance, risk and reporting platform.

The B-One solution, named Best Performance and Attribution Product at the BST awards these last three years, is providing, in its 3.2 version, additional important functionality, notably in terms of risk and fixed income attribution.

The first major enhancement consists of the integration of the Risk Ampre methodology within B-One. The Club Ampre, a French Think Tank group, developed in 2009 a risk attribution methodology increasing the transparency between asset managers and investors. BI-SAM, mandated by Cova, integrated this methodology within its solution and now produces the reconciliation of Ex-Ante and Ex-Post measurements allowing in particular the breakdown of Ex-Post/Ex-Ante variation between management decisions impacts on one hand and impacts of changing market conditions and correlations on the other hand.

In terms of fixed income attribution, two major functionalities have been developed in order to increase transparency and accuracy. Firstly, the version 3.2 of B-One enables a more precise calculation of MBS (Mortgage Back Securities) due to the paydown effect.

Secondly, fixed income attribution now includes Fund in Fund analysis to provide B-One’s users with a fuller explanation of fixed income attribution effects according to the exposure to all the underlying assets. Additionally, enhancements have also been integrated within the GIPS module usability further to users feedback.

In addition to the access to the most accurate performance, risk measurement and attribution methodologies, our clients benefit from the latest technologies integrated within B-One. This new version contains major new functionalities developed conjointly with our clients. said Nicolas Frank, Head of Research & Development. Our user community has warmly received these changes and we are currently starting to upgrade our clients to the 3.2 version.

