Barclays Global Presents Its First Handbook On ETF Landscape For US, Q3 2008

Barclays Global has published the first quarterly ETF global handbook which is part of BGI's ETF landscape series. This handbook is aimed at helping professional investors to navigate the full range of ETFs and ETPs listed on exchanges in the

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Barclays Global has published the first quarterly ETF global handbook which is part of BGI’s ETF landscape series. This handbook is aimed at helping professional investors to navigate the full range of ETFs and ETPs listed on exchanges in the United States at the end of Q3 2008. For each listed ETF, a wealth of key data is supplied, including: Bloomberg and Reuters ticker symbols, fund structure, annual TERs, total AUM, average daily volume, dividend status and dates and exchange listings.

In recent years, the rapid growth in new ETF offerings (in terms of asset class and indices covered) has been one of the most striking elements of this remarkable story. At the end of Q3 2008, there were 1,499 ETFs, with 2,494 listings and assets of US$764.08 billionn from 86 providers on 43 exchanges around the world; a 28% increase in the number of ETFs listed and a 15-fold increase from the end of 2000.

The growth in ETF listings can be explained, in large part, by strong investor demand for these types of assets. However, the success of established providers in gathering large amounts of assets has also ensured a strong supply-side response, with many entrants coming to the market with new products. Increased competition among providers has been beneficial for investors but the proliferation of new offerings has also made it more challenging in terms of decision-making.

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