Bank Of New York Appoints Josée Denis Vice President of European Transfer Agency

The Bank of New York has appointed Jose Denis as vice president, European transfer agency, based in Luxembourg. Denis, who will promote the bank's transfer agency service in Europe to major investment management clients, will report to Deborah Lorenzen, managing

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The Bank of New York has appointed Jose Denis as vice president, European transfer agency, based in Luxembourg. Denis, who will promote the bank’s transfer agency service in Europe to major investment management clients, will report to Deborah Lorenzen, managing director.

Denis has over 20 years of experience in fund management operations, mainly at Chase Manhattan Bank, State Street and Fleming Fund Management in Luxembourg.

Prior to her appointment to the Bank of New York, Denis spent seven years as a director in the Pricewaterhouse Coopers Luxembourg advisory services practice, where she was a member of the EMEA Investment Management advisory services group, the EMEA fund distribution product co-ordinator, and the leader of the investment management anti-money laundering services division.

Denis is a member of working groups at the European fund and asset management association (EFAMA) and the association of the Luxembourg fund industry (ALFI). In Luxembourg, she was the founder of the Luxembourg TA and distribution forum and has been chairman since 1999. She is also the founder of the ALFI TA forum steering committee and chairman since its inception in 2004. “Jose is an important addition to our team servicing international fund managers,” says Deborah Lorenzen, managing director at The Bank of New York. “She is a highly respected and knowledgeable industry figure, and will play a central role in helping us grow our share of the TA business in continental Europe.”
