Balanced pooled funds achieved a median return of 3.8% in July 2005, according to CAPS Pooled Pension Fund Update.
Over one three and five years to 31 July 2005, Balanced pooled funds returned 22.8% p.a., 11.3% p.a. and 0.6% p.a. respectively. Active UK Equity managers returned 3.4%, net of fees, for the month, matching the FTSE All-Share index.
July 2005 saw single figure positive returns for all equity Markets. Emerging Markets (8.9%) achieved the best equity performance, while Japan (2.7%) provided the poorest index return. UK Bonds saw negative returns across the board (-0.6% Standard, -1.2% Long Term, Index-Linked -0.8%). Property (0.8%), International Bonds (0.8%) and Cash (0.4%) all achieved modest positive returns.