BA-CA Connected To Bloomberg Equity Order Routing

Bank Austria Creditanstalt has been hooked up to the Equity Order Routing System from Bloomberg. The system is based on FIX technology and seeks to deliver an automated order routing with a cost effective straight through processing (STP). "The high

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Bank Austria Creditanstalt has been hooked up to the Equity Order Routing System from Bloomberg.

The system is based on FIX-technology and seeks to deliver an automated order routing with a cost-effective straight-through-processing (STP). “The high quality order routing system from Bloomberg enables our clients to trade on more than 20 markets absolute transparently and real-time”, says Johannes Koller, Head of Brokerage and Transaction Services at Bank Austria Creditanstalt.

The only pre-condition for electronic trading is a Bloomberg Terminal. The Equity Order Routing offers numerous benefits for institutional clients, asset managers and brokers, amongst others the order status is always transparent and easy to follow (audit trail).

The Brokerage and Transaction Services department is the trading and execution unit for equities, debts, options and futures as well as structured products within Bank Austria Creditanstalt. It offers its clients modern market access to more than 50 stock exchanges worldwide.
