Misys Banking Systems announced that Associated Bank has selected Misys Trade Innovation to provide operational and workflow management for its trade finance operations.
Associated Bank, headquartered in Green Bay, is a diversified multibank holding company, serving mainly small and mid-sized businesses across Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota. The bank has an extensive correspondent bank network that brings international banking services to corporate customers in the upper Midwest and across other parts of the United States.
Nancy Burton, vice President and manager of International Banking at Associated Bank, comments, “We recently implemented an initiative at the bank called ‘Achieving Excellence’. Through this initiative we sought ways of improving the quality of the conversations we have with our customers. If we are better listeners and take the time to truly understand our customers’ needs, we can measurably improve the quality of service they receive. We can also create the relationships that allow Associated to improve its financial performance significantly on a sustainable basis.”
“When we saw Misys Trade Innovation, and the way its intuitiveness allows the user to concentrate on customer needs rather than system methodologies, we thought it was the natural solution to pursue our Achieving Excellence initiative within International”, she concluded.