Asset Control chose the SIA technology conference in New York to launch AC Company Master, which integrates counterparty and ratings data from vendor sources and internal systems to provide comprehensive views of counterparties, as well as supporting management of credit ratings and limits.
“With increasing demands for granular detail and transparency of data used to measure and report credit risk and operational risk, there is a clear need for a tool to gather and integrate customer data that is typically dispersed throughout a financial institution,” explains Ger Rosenkamp, CEO of Asset Control. “AC Company Master applies proven AC Plus data integration technology to this challenge, and delivers a new standard of control, quality and accessibility to entity data and ratings information.”
He says that, with the support of Asset Control customers, a counterparty data model extension will gather, cleanse and integrate data from internal systems and vendor sources, creating a “golden copy” version that provides consistent values to downstream systems and research areas. User-friendly GUIs provide single-customer views with all subsidiaries so that the complete exposure can be recognized.
Profiling functionality provides the ability to view historical snapshots of the data. The system scales up easily to manage the significant volume, five to seven years of historical default data, required for compliance with Basel II internal ratings-based measurements. Pre-built interfaces will speed the implementation of major vendor feeds.
Asset Control says AC Company Master is extensible to other categories of investment data. In particular, the integration of AC Company Master with the AC Security Master data model will provide an integrated view of counterparties and related instruments to support development of proprietary limits structures.