Asset Control has released AC Server 6.0, a server which is the core of Asset Control’s data management solutions. The new server includes significant performance improvements and enhancements resulting from new features such as clustering, more flexibility to create fault-tolerant architectures, 64-bit support, and support of additional platforms. These new features have increased the scalability of Asset Control’s product suite for market and credit risk management, security master and corporate actions solutions.
David Hirschfeld, Asset Control’s Senior VP of Operations, says “We embedded clustering and are utilizing 64-bit technology as a result of direct requests from our existing customers. Our customer’s usage of the AC product suite is quite broad and sophisticated, and they are routinely pushing the technological and functional envelope. These enhancements will provide two major benefits: resiliency for greater reliability and stability of their mission critical infrastructure and dramatic improvements in processing times of their data, allowing the delivery of broader benefits to a wider audience within a firm.”
With the addition of clustering in Version 6.0, customers can introduce flexible architectures which avoid single points of failure, further limiting any chance of software or hardware downtime. Now any single Asset Control installation can have an unlimited number of query and update server instances, and these can be divided over the available server hosts in any manner. Any failure during processing is automatically redirected and the transaction resubmitted transparently.
Additional platforms are being supported including Oracle 10g and IBM’s DB2 UDB, while customers who have already implemented on Solaris and HP-UX are able to run in 64-bit mode which allows them to store and process vast amounts of data faster and more efficiently.