ASF Welcomes MD From Natixis As Chairman

The American Securitization Forum (ASF) has elected Ralph C. Daloisio, managing director at Natixis, as chairman. Daloisio's term began on 6 February 2009 and will end on 1 July 2012. Daloisio has been deeply involved in the ASF, including current

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The American Securitization Forum (ASF) has elected Ralph C. Daloisio, managing director at Natixis, as chairman. Daloisio’s term began on 6 February 2009 and will end on 1 July 2012.

Daloisio has been deeply involved in the ASF, including current service as chair of the ASF Investor Committee, executive vice president of the ASF Manage-ment Committee, and as a member of the ASF Board of Directors.

He has been directly involved in a range of current issues that are at the forefront of ASF’s advocacy agenda, including foreclosure prevention and loan modification initiatives, mortgage finance and bankruptcy reforms and market standards and practices initiatives to improve the securitization market infrastructure.

Daloisio succeeds Sanjeev Handa, head of global public markets at TIAA-CREF, for his prior service as ASF chairman. Handa continues as a member of ASF’s Board and Management Committees.

The American Securitization Forum is a broad-based professional forum through which participants in the U.S. securitization market advocate their common interests on important legal, regulatory and market practice issues.

