Andrew Rand Departs Deutsche Bank

Andrew Rand has departed his role as regional head of Direct Securities Services, Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Deutsche Bank.
By Janet Du Chenne(59204)
Andrew Rand has departed his role as regional head of Direct Securities Services, Europe, the Middle East and Africa at Deutsche Bank.

 He joined Deutsche Bank’s headquarters in Eschborn, near Frankfurt, less than two years ago from Brown Brothers Harriman, where he was head of global network management. He joined to enhance the bank’s profile throughout the 15-country sub-custody locations across the region among the large network managers.

According to his LinkedIn profile, Rand expanded Deutsche Bank’s business in high growth regions such as CEE and MENA and developed business strategies around Target-2 Securities (T2S) and multi-market access products. He also worked with the bank’s product development team to understand the implications of new regulations and market changes such as EMIR, T2S, Basel III, CSDR, T+2, AIFMD and UCITS V, and sought to develop products and services around these changes.

Rand, a Global Custodian Legend, began his career in 1989 with a three-year stint at the National Bank of Abu Dhabi. Following a two-year MBA degree in international finance at Kent State, he got a job at Boston Safe Company. Just two weeks after he joined in 1993, the bank was purchased by Mellon. Rand spent six years at Mellon and was recruited to BBH in 1998, again covering Europe for the bank. Five years later, he took charge of the entire network management function of the bank.
