Andew Bayliss Of Hogg Robinson Joins Professional Pension Fund Trustee Group ITS

Independent Trustee Services Ltd (ITS) has appointed Andrew Bayliss as Trust Manager of ITS. Bayliss has been in the UK pensions industry for nearly 25 years, starting his career in the insurance sector before moving to CMS Cameron McKenna. He

By None

Independent Trustee Services Ltd (ITS) has appointed Andrew Bayliss as Trust Manager of ITS. Bayliss has been in the UK pensions industry for nearly 25 years, starting his career in the insurance sector before moving to CMS Cameron McKenna. He joins ITS form Hogg Robinson Group where he held a senior consultancy position.

“The role of the professional trustee, is a dynamic one, rapidly changing to reflect the new environment within which pension schemes must now operate. Andrew’s appointment reflects ITS’s continued growth,” says Chris Martin, Managing Director of ITS. “He will support our well established team.”

Bayliss says “these are exciting times for professional trustees and I look forward to becoming part of the ITS team.”
