American Express And Fortis Bank Sign On To New SWIFT Pricing Incentive

SWIFTNet announced a new pricing incentive to reward its high volume clients. The reduced per unit price is available to entities that commit to a 20 percent increases in SWIFTNet traffic over a two year period. The commitment will cost

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SWIFTNet announced a new pricing incentive to reward its high-volume clients.

The reduced per-unit price is available to entities that commit to a 20 percent increases in SWIFTNet traffic over a two-year period. The commitment will cost institutions like American Express and Fortis Bank, which have already signed on, 40 percent more, but the cost of the additional traffic reduced by half.

“Signing up for the Traffic Growth Incentive programme has an immediate impact on our current messaging prices, and puts us at a competitive advantage to other banks in the same global tier,” said Marc Aguilar, general manager of payments at Fortis Bank. He predicts Fortis will “benefit from lower prices based on a commitment of future volumes.”
