Metrics Partners, a provider of third party messaging support for investment technology companies and The McHenry Group, a provider of risk management software, have formed a partnership. The aim is to serve the needs of asset manufacturers, retirement service providers, third party administrators and intermediaries as well as investment technology firms.
This new arrangement is an official extension of the informal work our companies have done together for the last few years,” says Kevin Adams, Metrics Partners President. “We are pleased to partner with such a respected organization in our industry.”
“The Metrics Partners affiliation leverages our core resources,” adds Ward Harris, Managing Director of The McHenry Group. “Enhanced value will be available to McHenry’s clients such as banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, broker dealers and other investment service providers.”
The first major initiative of the new partnership will be the promotion of the soon to be released 2004 Revenue Sharing Report from The McHenry Group. “Metrics Partners relationships extend from investment technology companies to retirement service providers, asset manufacturers, third party administrators and intermediaries, as well as wealth management firms. We look forward to taking this significant and well researched report to those markets,” says Adams.