A new report from Aite Group, LLC examines client reporting trends and challenges for both vendors and their institutional clients. The report also profiles and compares 10 vendors that offer standalone client reporting solutions to firms providing investments services for institutional investors. It provides a background on each of the vendors, with a concentration on the capabilities and functionalities of each application.
Following recent scandals and in response to expected increased regulation, it is clear that greater disclosure of hedge funds is needed. Pushing for greater disclosure would also be a prudent move for both retail and institutional investors. Investors will no longer accept the current state of their client reports. The improvement of risk management initiatives means that clients will expect deeper insight into a firm’s investments, strategies and performance. Clients will also demand versatility in how information is distributed to them, via mediums such as print and Web portals. Aite Group estimates steady growth for client reporting vendors despite the tight market due to the financial crisis. In fact, world-wide spending on client reporting platforms will increase steadily over the next few years, culminating in a 14% CAGR from 2008 to 2012.
“As the markets continue to fluctuate, effective and efficient client reporting will help firms satisfy their clients,” says James Kang, analyst with Aite Group and author of this report. “Nevertheless, vendors of such solutions will face challenges, even as demand for their offerings continues to grow. Cost will be a factor in this time of tightening budgets. Firms looking to justify their investment in a solution will expect capabilities that go beyond generating client reports.”
The report profiles and compares 10 vendors providing standalone client reporting platforms, both in Europe and the United States: Assette, BI-SAM, CorrectNet, DeskNet, Equipos, FundWorks, KURTOSyS, SS&C, Varden and Vermilion.