AIMA To Issue Further Guidelines On Asset Pricing And Fund Valuations

AIMA, the global trade association for hedge funds plans to issue further guidelines on asset pricing and fund valuations shortly. Following on the FSA's letter yesterday on 'Good Practices for the valuation of hedge funds', AIMA confirms that it will

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AIMA, the global trade association for hedge funds plans to issue further guidelines on asset pricing and fund valuations shortly.

Following on the FSA’s letter yesterday on ‘Good Practices for the valuation of hedge funds’, AIMA confirms that it will be issuing a second substantive guide to asset pricing and fund valuation in the New Year.

This follows on from its earlier guide issued in 2005 and is being completed by a global working party of industry practitioners.

AIMA has always been very clear on the need for effective asset pricing and fund valuation procedures that are open and transparent to all. It has issued recommendations, for instance, on governance asking for asset pricing and fund valuation practices to be clearly documented and reviewed on a regular basis.

“We welcome the effort of the FSA in taking a sensible approach to this issue,” says Emma Mugridge, the Director of AIMA. “On the back of our 20 Recommendations issued in 2005, we are in the process of developing these further, and we hope the enhanced. Recommendations will be adopted by the industry.”
