ADP Investor Communication Services has launched the international version of its proxy voting disclosure solution, ProxyDisclosure.
Internationally, ProxyDisclosure can be used by pension funds and plan sponsors for consolidated vote reporting across multiple fund managers and custodians, enabling a single view of all voting activity. The ProxyDisclosure solution also includes the provision of fund-branded Web sites for the disclosure of both fund voting activity and voting policy guidelines, enabling fund beneficiaries to have easy access to voting data.
The latest release follows the US launch of ProxyDisclosure earlier this year to facilitate investment companies’ and investment advisors’ compliance with recently adopted US SEC regulations relating to the disclosure of voting activity.
While voting disclosure is not a regulatory requirement for other international markets, ADP will market the solution to firms seeking a best practice model.
ADP has already gained its first European customers for ProxyDisclosure, including two UK-based plan sponsors and a Dutch pension fund.