ABN Amro Set To Buy Up Remaining Banca Antonveneta Shares

ABN AMRO announced Monday that it will purchase the rest of Banca Antonveneta's 3.4 million shares. AMN Amro purchased a large portion of Banca Antonveneta's shares in March, and Monday's announcement marks the completion of the ABN Amro's intent to

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ABN AMRO announced Monday that it will purchase the rest of Banca Antonveneta’s 3.4 million shares.

AMN Amro purchased a large portion of Banca Antonveneta’s shares in March, and Monday’s announcement marks the completion of the ABN Amro’s intent to buy Banca Antonveneta.

Following the completion of the sale, Amro will own 98.9% of Banca Antonveneta, raising its total share capital of 308.8 million shares.
