38 Companies Go Public On Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes

Based on the close of trading on December 22, in December 2006, 38 companies went public in Europe, out of which seven companies were added to the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes. To be included in the Dow Jones STOXX

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Based on the close of trading on December 22, in December 2006, 38 companies went public in Europe, out of which seven companies were added to the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes.

To be included in the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Indexes companies must have a free float market capitalisation between 100 million EUR and 3 billion EUR on the listing date.

For the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (3 months), companies are added one day after their actual IPO date and remain in the index for 3 months. This allows maximum participation in the IPO performance effect. For the

Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (12 months) and the Dow Jones STOXX IPO Index (60 months), companies are added on the second Wednesday following their IPO and remain in the index for 12 and 60 months, respectively.

Companies are removed from the indexes after the close of trading on the first Wednesday following 3, 12 and 60 calendar months of inclusion in the index.
