2008 Buy-Side Technology Award Went To Algorithmics For Substantial Traction Among Buy Side Institutions

Algo Risk, risk management and portfolio construction service introduced by Algorithmics was recognised the Best Buy Side Risk Portfolio Analytics Product in the 2008 Buy Side Technology Awards. The platform hosted by Algorithmics provides a dedicated production environment configured uniquely

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Algo Risk, risk management and portfolio construction service introduced by Algorithmics was recognised the Best Buy-Side Risk/Portfolio Analytics Product in the 2008 Buy-Side Technology Awards.

The platform hosted by Algorithmics provides a dedicated production environment configured uniquely for each clients specific business requirements and investment strategies.

The service is dedicated to hedge funds, asset managers, pension funds, broker/dealers and insurance companies. In the last 12 months the number of clients using this application has doubled.

We are proud that Buy-Side Technology has awarded Algo Risk Service the Best Buy-Side Risk/Portfolio Analytics Product for 2008, says Dr Andrew Aziz, executive vice president, Risk Solutions, Algorithmics. Algorithmics has invested significantly over the last few years to develop a solution focused specifically on the risk and decision support requirements of buy side portfolio and risk managers.

Our work with the buy side represents a significant and important part of our business, says Dr Michael Zerbs, president and COO, Algorithmics.

This award is recognition that our strategic commitment to developing Algo Risk Service as a leading solution is making a difference to buy side investment managers.”

Key highlights for a number of panelists were Algo Risks breadth of asset coverage, the flexibility of the managed service solution, and its client testimonials, says Victor Anderson, editor, Buy-Side Technology.

