DVP Securities To Be Settled In Real-Time Within Estonian Market

According to the project plan of Estonian CSD, it will soon be possible settle securities DVP in real time within the Estonian market. Market cut off for real time DVP instructions is 5 pm local time (CET+1). Real time DVP

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According to the project plan of Estonian CSD, it will soon be possible settle securities DVP in real-time within the Estonian market. Market cut-off for real-time DVP instructions is 5 pm local time (CET+1).

Real-time DVP will be available to all SEB Eesti hispank institutional clients in the Estonian market who are SWIFT message enabled. To settle securities against payment in real-time it is mandatory to fill in the SWIFT instruction field 22F. Otherwise, the transaction will be settled using the DVP batches.

“Cross-border real-time DVP transactions will be introduced also between Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania,” says a spokesman for SEB. “We will come back shortly with a time line and the possibilities this will offer.”
